Internship Coordinator
Sonia first got involved with CEED as an intern in summer 2015. She was part of the research project, which involved conducting a community needs assessment through interviews and focus groups with youth in Gulu, to help shape CEED’s future projects.
She rejoined the CEED team as the Internship Coordinator in fall 2015, where she works hard to ensure that future interns have as an enriching, rewarding experience as she did. She is responsible for recruiting, training, and supporting interns throughout their time with CEED, as well as helping with the development of CEED’s different projects.
Sonia did her BA in Psychology at McGill University and is currently completing her MSc in International Development, with a focus on Conflict and Security. She has a strong passion for traveling, believing this is one of the best ways to learn about oneself and the world.